For modelling clay figures/ Para hacer figuras de plastilina Por Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez Tovar el Dragón de CRONOS Tiempo de Todo!
For modelling clay figures/ Para hacer figuras de plastilina
(For spanish speaking readers please scroll down this text)
Thank to all the people that have been visiting My Space and add me as a friend!
I'll post as often as I can, several advices for the ones interested in the modelling
clay figures realization.
Here come the first six and for sure I will be very gratefull if you please comment,
make any suggestion, question or criticism.
Everything is welcome.
The first picture has four diferent scales for tiny clay hands, and I included my fingers in order to show the actual size of the pieces.
The second picture has a girl in a four wheel bike and
I've included a couple of coins to show also the size of the figure, (The bigger coin is slightly over the size of a common quarter coin)
For the third one I've included also a 20 pesos bill embracing the pieces to show that there is no trick about the size (mexican new bills are considerably smaller than a dollar)
Fourth and fifth pictures are just the start of the advices for the ones interested in the sculpture with plasticine or modelling clay.
The sixth picture shows actually my personal technique to get as much detail as needed.
Hope that this articles result of your interest!
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar
Also for my new friends, I was wondering about sending small
interviews to the ones who accept them and then translating to spanish and post them in myspace and my other accounts in order to spread the voice of your talent and work.
The only thing is that I am not a stalker or a loony, I'm
someone too new in this internet affairs to know if this is not polite. If any one interested, let me know, but please do not get offended of my way of making things.
I have been reading bulletins, blogs, watching videos and pictures of your accounts and feel that many will probably be happy of sharing your thoughts with spanish speaking community.
Also would like to apologize once again if my english spelling and grammar are a little bit rusted, had been many years talking in english only to myself.
Gracias a todos los que me han visitado en Myspace y me han agregado como amigo.
Tan seguido como pueda, ire publicando una serie de recomendaciones para aquellos interesados en la realizacion de figuras de plastilina.
Aqui van las primeras seis y ciertamente estare muy agradecido si pudiesen comentarlas, hacer preguntas, sugerencias o criticas.
La primera figura muestra cuatro diferentes tamanos de manos realizadas en plastilina y he incluido mis dedos para que pueda apreciarse la escala.
La segunda fotografia incluye a una chica en una cuatrimoto y decidi agregar unas monedas para hacer la comparativa de escala. (La moneda mayor tiene una medida ligeramente superior a una momeda de cuarto de dolar)
Para la tercera fotografia inclui un billete de 20 pesos mexicanos abrazando la figura para mostrar que no hay truco sobre la medida. (Los nuevos billetes mexicanos son considerablemente mas compactos que un billete de dolar)
La cuarta y quinta fotografias son el principio de la serie de recomendaciones para aquellos interesados en la realizacion de figuras de plastilina o masa modelable.
La sexta fotografia revela mi tecnica personal para conseguir detalles precisos.
¡Espero que estos artículos sean de tu interés!
Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez