Modeling Clay figures of Aldo Sanchez/Figuras de Plastilina de Aldo Sánchez Por Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez Tovar el Dragón de CRONOS Tiempo de Todo!
Modeling Clay figures of Aldo Sanchez/Figuras de Plastilina de Aldo Sánchez
Trinity. Craft made on plasticine. Produced in 2002.
Pistola rebelde de Star Wars. Para una amiga que iba a realizar un cosplay de Mara Jade, modifique con aluminio y plastilina epoxica una pistola tipo de juguete. una vez terminada la celda de energia y el canon modificado, engrose el mango y lo incline ligeramente. Para unificar la pieza y darle dureza, se recubrio el conjunto con resina epoxica en tres capas. Realizado posiblemente en 2002.
Star Wars Rebel Blaster. There was this girl about to make a Mara Jade cosplay and I made for her this blaster by modifying a luger type toy gun with epoxy clay and aluminium paper. Once I've finished the power cell at the front and the canon I backed a little the handle. To add strength I've covered the piece with three layers of epoxic resin. Probably made this on the year 2002.
Trofeo de concurso de Cosplay. Por una fina invitacion de Misawawa (Laura Gonzalez) me sume a su proyecto de realizar un trofeo para un concurso que ella realizo entre cosplayers regiomontanas. La pieza era una figura femenina realizada en plastilina y alambre con un recubrimiento de sellador barniz. Probablemente realize esta pieza en el 2002.
Cosplay contest Trophy. After a kind invitation of Misawawa (Laura Gonzalez) I joined her project of making a trophy for a contest she organized between mexican cosplayers. The craft was made on plasticine and wire and had a water based sealant covering. Maybe produced on 2002.
Depredador. Figura realizada en plastilina y alambre inmersa en agua y confinada en frasco de 30 cms. Realizada en 2000.
Predator. Craft made on plasticine and wire and submerged in water and enclosed in a 13 inch flask. Produced in 2000.
E.T. Figura realizada en plastilina y alambre inmersa en agua y confinada en frasco de 10 cms. Realizada en 2000.
E.T. Craft made on plasticine and wire and submerged in water and enclosed in a 4 inch flask. Produced in 2000.
Trinity. Figura realizada en plastilina. Realizada en 2002.
Trinity. Craft made on plasticine. Produced in 2002.
Pistola rebelde de Star Wars. Para una amiga que iba a realizar un cosplay de Mara Jade, modifique con aluminio y plastilina epoxica una pistola tipo de juguete. una vez terminada la celda de energia y el canon modificado, engrose el mango y lo incline ligeramente. Para unificar la pieza y darle dureza, se recubrio el conjunto con resina epoxica en tres capas. Realizado posiblemente en 2002.
Star Wars Rebel Blaster. There was this girl about to make a Mara Jade cosplay and I made for her this blaster by modifying a luger type toy gun with epoxy clay and aluminium paper. Once I've finished the power cell at the front and the canon I backed a little the handle. To add strength I've covered the piece with three layers of epoxic resin. Probably made this on the year 2002.
Trofeo de concurso de Cosplay. Por una fina invitacion de Misawawa (Laura Gonzalez) me sume a su proyecto de realizar un trofeo para un concurso que ella realizo entre cosplayers regiomontanas. La pieza era una figura femenina realizada en plastilina y alambre con un recubrimiento de sellador barniz. Probablemente realize esta pieza en el 2002.
Cosplay contest Trophy. After a kind invitation of Misawawa (Laura Gonzalez) I joined her project of making a trophy for a contest she organized between mexican cosplayers. The craft was made on plasticine and wire and had a water based sealant covering. Maybe produced on 2002.
Depredador. Figura realizada en plastilina y alambre inmersa en agua y confinada en frasco de 30 cms. Realizada en 2000.
Predator. Craft made on plasticine and wire and submerged in water and enclosed in a 13 inch flask. Produced in 2000.
E.T. Figura realizada en plastilina y alambre inmersa en agua y confinada en frasco de 10 cms. Realizada en 2000.
E.T. Craft made on plasticine and wire and submerged in water and enclosed in a 4 inch flask. Produced in 2000.
Aldo Sanchez, aldo rodrigo sanchez tovar, Plastilina, monterrey, modeling clay, enseñanza, el mejor, secretos plastilina, padre de todos, omnisciente,
#aldosanchez #plastilina #monterrey #enseñanza #modelingclay #secretosplastilina