Aldo Gordon is Alive? Por Aldo Sánchez Tovar el Dragón de CRONOS Tiempo de Todo!

Realmente no es importante cuanto deseo tengan unos pocos desequilibrados de hacerme la vida difícil. no tienen la idea más mínima de lo que es en realidad una vida difícil así que mientras ellos creen inventar modos creativos de agredirme, yo sigo aquí tan fresquito modelando, enseñando, creando y desarrollando sin que nada de lo que hagan pueda frenarme por completo.

Aldo Sanchez Star Wars Star Destroyer
Aldo Sanchez Star Wars Star Destroyer Avenger
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Star Destroyer
Aldo Sánchez Milennium Falcon
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Y-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Milennium Falcon Y-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Milennium Falcon Y-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Milennium Falcon Y-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Jabba's sail Barge Return of the jedi
Aldo Sánchez Battlestar Galactica Cylon Raider
Aldo Sánchez the last star fighter gunstar
Aldo Sánchez voyage to the bottom of the sea Aerosub
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars boba fett ship
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars mandalorian razor crest
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars cloud car twin pod
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars cloud car twin pod
Aldo Sánchez 2001 a space odissey Discovery
Aldo Sánchez the black Hole cygnus
Aldo Sánchez the black Hole cygnus
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars darth vader tie advanced
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars Tie fighter advanced Vader
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars x-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars X-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars X-Wing Fighter
Aldo Sánchez voyage to the bottom of the sea seaview
Aldo Sánchez voyage to the bottom of the sea seaview
Aldo Sánchez voyage to the bottom of the sea seaview
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars battle cruiser
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars battle cruiser
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars clone wars battle cruiser
Aldo Sánchez Battlestar Galactica Cylon basestar
Aldo Sánchez Battlestar Galactica Cylon basestar
Aldo Sánchez Battlestar Galactica Cylon basestar
Aldo Sánchez Star Wars sandspeeder
Aldo Sánchez Battlestar Galactica colonial viper
Aldo Sánchez V Visitor Shuttle invasión extraterrestre
Aldo Sánchez V Visitor Shuttle invasión extraterrestre
Aldo Sánchez Krull Glaive Colwyn
Aldo Sánchez The Neverending Story Auryn La historia sinfin bastian bux
Aldo Sánchez The Neverending Story Auryn La historia sinfin atreyu
Aldo Sánchez Batman Batmobile
Aldo Sánchez Batman Batmobile
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar modeling clay chugaboom
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar modeling clay chugaboom
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar Penelope Pitstop
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar Penelope Pitstop
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar Pink Panther Car
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races the mean machine
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races the mean machine
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar Space shuttle columbia
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar Space shuttle columbia
Aldo Rodrigo Sanchez Tovar Space shuttle columbia
Aldo Sanchez Tovar slag brothers wacky races hermanos macana los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar slag brothers wacky races hermanos macana los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar wacky races  los autos locos
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
Aldo Sanchez Tovar king Kong godzilla
#aldosanchez #losautoslocos #wackyraces #pinkpanther #batmobile #delorean #backtothefuture #meanmachine #pinkpanther #chuggaboom #compactpussycat #mylittlepony #modelingclay #bouldermobile #modelingclay #jumpingclay #plastilina #stopmotion #monterrey #artteaching #enseñanzadeartes #modelandounmundomejor #starwars #battlestargalactica #theblackhole #stardestroyer #wackyraces #chugaboom
claymation, aldosanchez, plastilina, stopmotion, monterrey, artteaching, enseñanzadeartes, modelandounmundomejor, jumpingclay, starwars, monterrey, fomyparamodelar, modelingclay, losautoslocos, wackyraces,

Needless to say, I do not sell figures, I do not take orders and I do not do anything on request.
I gladly welcome students to teach them to do creative work (english)
