La mística del origen. Por Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez Tovar el Dragón de CRONOS Tiempo de Todo!

La mística del origen.

Tras revisar la información siguiente, tal vez mi escepticismo acostumbrado diga que los horóscopos y otras cosas son viles supercherías, pero…
Existen muchas otras cosas que son sospechosamente premeditadas, como si realmente existiera una conexión.

Muchas personas en Internet protegen su identidad con nicks que van de lo simpático a lo vulgar pasando por todos los matices.
Yo nací y crecí en un medio en el que se le daba valor al nombre de la familia, a su herencia y a la identidad del individuo.
Mis hijos tienen nombres especiales que les hacen seres únicos, mi esposa lleva también la marca de un nombre poco común y aunque siempre fui alguien con un nombre muy singular, en los últimos años he compartido nombre con cientos de personajillos nefastos tales como héroes de telenovelas y practicantes de "panadero" (Balompié).

Aquí guardaré algo de lo que he hallado en la red relacionado a mi nombre, fecha de nacimiento, signo y datos sobre mi esposa y mis hijos.

Respetaré la lengua de origen de lo que recopilé en diversas fuentes de red.

13 DE MARZO DE 1969


"Significado y origen de nombre Aldo
Es uno de los muchos nombres germánicos cuyo componente ald significa "crecer". En ella se encuentra la raíz indoeuropea de al, (al-imentar), la misma que del latín alere. Representa el valor de la edad, la vida, la generación. En general el conocimiento vital. En el antiguo alemán esta raíz constituye "la edad de la vida"
En otros idiomas: Inglés: Aldous"

"Aldo (celta). Noble, lleno de experiencia. "

"Significado: Viene de ald: crecido, viejo, mayor"
Historia: Es un nombre frecuente en Argentina. En Italia se venera localmente a san Aldo, un ermitaño no reconocido oficialmente como santo por la Iglesia católica.
Personajes célebres: Aldous Huxley, escritor británico (1894-1963); Aldo Moro, político italiano (1916-1978); Aldo Rossi, arquitecto italiano (1931-1997)

Onomástica: 10 de enero"

Es tímido pero apasionado.

Naturaleza Emocional:
Naturaleza diligente, cuidadosa y emotiva. Tiene originalidad, adquiere intelectualidad y recibe autoridad. Ama lo posible y lo imposible. Le gusta sentirse realizado y mejorado.

Naturaleza Expresiva:
Es empeñoso. Se expresa por medio de su comprensión para los demás, despierta simpatías y antipatías. Le gusta resolver problemas ajenos y dar amistad. Ama lo que perdura.

Numero de suerte:

"Definición de Aldo
El nombre es de procedencia Germánica y significa Caudillo Importante, El mayor.
Otro Significado de Aldo es un nombre italiano que significa grande y único
Otro Significado de Aldo
El nombre Aldo proviene de origen Germano incluso Latín y su significado simplemente quiere decir, Anciano con gran sabiduría, su historia viene
desde un lugar remoto en lo que es actualmente Alemania, cuando estaba los anglo-saxons y la era de los vikingos. "

"The meaning of the name Aldo is Old Or Noble
The origin of the name Aldo is Italian
There are 7,976 unique 'Aldo' first names in the United States.
Name Ranking
Aldo is the # 1,832 ranked first name in the United States"

Gender: Masculine
Usage: Italian, Portuguese
Originally an Italian short form of Germanic names beginning with the elements ald "old" or adal "noble".
Meaning of the Name Aldo
name meaning gender origin
Aldo Archaic male English
Aldo Rich male Teutonic
Aldo Originally an Old German Name Meaning Old.
Popular in Italy and Among North American Families of Italian Descent. Aldo Was a Saint. Old or Wise male German
Aldo Old One; Elder male Italian"

"Significado(s) de ALDO
ALDO: Antigüidade."

"Nombre: SAN ALDO Nombre en: MASCULINO
Fecha onomástica de este santo : 1 de enero
Explicación del nombre ALDO.
¿ Qué significa ALDO ? :
Germánico. Derivado del germánico, significa
"Aquel de origen noble que posee gran experiencia".
Este santo celebra su onomástica el 1 de enero"
"Nombre Masculino de origen Germánico. Hombre noble y experimentado. De origen germánico."

"Significado de Aldo
Origen: Germano
Significado: Importante caudillo
Festividad: 10 de Enero
Personalidad: Buena alianza entre su curiosidad e imaginación le hacen conocer como obtener beneficios de las ideas que circundan a su alrededor.
La autocrítica y capacidad de análisis, siempre presente en sus relaciones profesionales, le hace contar con la estima de los demás en sus intercambios con ellos.
Gustosamente asume el papel de maestro intelectual en sus relaciones de amistad.
Suele ser bastante extremista."

"ALDO: De origen germánico. Significado: "lleno de canas". También puede significar "anciano o venerable". Onomástica: 18 de noviembre"

"Significado del nombre Aldo
Significado : Hombre noble y experimentado. De origen teutón.
Características : Es tímido, tiene una gran necesidad de ser valorado, sabe desenvolverse
muy bien en todos los ambientes. Le encanta la pintura y la escultura.
Amor : Es tímido pero apasionado.
Personas Celebres: Aldo Moro (político italiano),
Aldous Huxley (escritor norteamericano)

"Análisis por numerología del nombre Aldo
Naturaleza Emotiva:
Naturaleza diligente, cuidadosa y emotiva. Tiene originalidad, adquiere intelectualidad y recibe autoridad. Ama lo posible y lo imposible. Le gusta sentirse realizado y mejorado.

Naturaleza Expresiva:
Es empeñoso. Se expresa por medio de su comprensión para los demás, despierta simpatías y antipatías. le gusta resolver problemas ajenos y dar amistad. Ama lo que perdura.

Talento Natural:
Es mente de pensamiento eficiente. Se expresa como pensador original y realizador cabal, tanto al considerar las cosas como en su manera de proceder. Se agiganta en las empresas sin precedente, unas veces para hacer surgir lo nuevo y otras para dar a lo viejo nuevos servicios, en ambos casos, con miras al presente y al futuro.
Ama lo práctico.
Podría destacar en profesiones como inventor, aviador, ingeniero, maestro, comerciante, líder, administrador, o en los campos automotriz, aeronáutico o eléctrico"

"The name of Aldo has given you sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and deeper things in life.
You can enjoy reading, study, and contemplation about many different subjects.
When your interests or curiosity are aroused, you work intensely at new undertakings, but your interests often wane when you encounter drudgery and monotony, with the result that you leave many things unfinished.
Your name has taken you into many bitter experiences. The greatest lack in your life is stability and peace of mind.
A peaceful and quiet environment, especially out in nature, is one of your greatest desires, but you are constantly taken into chaotic conditions.
Although the name Aldo creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and solar plexus."

"The boy's name Aldo \a-ldo, al-do\ is pronounced ALL-doh.
It is of Italian and Old German origin, and its meaning is "old one, elder".
An Italian and Spanish variant of Aldous that is occasionally used in America.
A Renaissance painter Aldus Manutius designed the first italic type face.
Aldo has 4 variant forms: Aldis, Aldon, Aldus and Alldo.

Baby names that sound like Aldo are Alto, Aled, Alta, Elado and Waldo.

Aldo is a common male first name and a common surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
"ALDO en Kanji se escribe:

A (peaceful, pacífico) -
Ru (lapis lazuli) –

Do (effort, toil, esfuerzo) "

"Significado de Aldo
Qual o significado do nome Aldo: NOBRE.
Significado e origem do nome aldo - Analise da Primeira Letra do Nome:
A Você está sempre pronto a se aventurar, muito cheio de energia, possui uma personalidade ativa e decidida. Não vê graça numa vida sem desafios. E por ser um lider por natureza, atrai as outras pessoas com seu entusiasmo. Mas é importante tomar cuidado e não se tornar uma pessoa teimosa.

Significado do nome Aldo - Sua marca no mundo!
Independente e dinâmico são características de um líder, e é desta forma que é visto. É necessário à pessoa desta personalidade agir com tato, diplomacia e paciência, evitando de ser vista como egoísta ou autoritária. Com frequência é procurada para assumir projetos e empreendimentos pois sua autoconfiança e facilidade em enfrentar os obstáculos são qualidades notórias, e as pessoas acreditam na sua eficiencia em tomar conta das situações. É o tipo de pessoa que não se deixa afetar quando existe oposição à suas idéias ou ações. Por agir com equilibrio sempre tem o apoio dos que o seguem e acreditam na sua liderança.
Para alcançar a vibração positiva que emana do número 1 é preciso concentrar-se em atingir seu objetivo, coisa que costuma fazer com muita
Personalidades deste número são rapidamente notados pois conquistam facilmente a
todos e costumam ser o centro das atenções.

Aldo Significado - Numerologia - Expressão 5
O número da Expressão revela a missão que tem, o que deve fazer ou ser nesta vida, para que atinja sucesso e alcance suas metas e objetivos. Descreve como você se expressa no mundo. O seu "eu" completo - personalidade, caráter, disposição,
identidade, temperamento.Cheio de recursos e com uma mente aberta, tipo de pessoa que se mantem sempre informado. Muito inteligente e capta tudo com facilidade, por isso encontra diversas maneiras e idéias para fazer as coisas. Como aprecia a liberdade de se locomover e ir por onde quer, vive fugindo de responsábilidades ou de situações muito sólidas. Sente necessidade de mudança, e versatilidade de oportunidades, por
isso acaba as vezes deixando seus projetos pela metade passando a imagem de pessoa insconstante.
Por ser alguem de intresses muito variados tende a estar sempre fazendo várias coisas ao mesmo tempo.
Busca ocupações em que não precise ficar isolado, nem fechado em quatro paredes. Profissões apropriadas para esta Expressão são aquelas que o colocam em contato com as pessoas, como detetive, agente do serviço secreto, agente de turismo, ator, inventor, promotor, líder cívico, político, advogado, editor, orador, guia turístico, caminhoneiro, publicitário, crítico de teatro.
Atenção para o excesso de bebida, drogas ou sexo e com a permissividade.

aldo Significado - Numerologia - Impressões 7
Mostra a pessoa como é interiormente. Revela como pensa, sente e age. Seu o desejo íntimo da alma, o seu "eu interior", suas esperanças, sonhos, ideais, motivações. As vezes é possível que percebamos essa manifestação, mas talvez não a expressamos como deveriamos ou mesmo não vivemos de acordo com ela, assim estamos reprimindo os nossos sentimentos e impulsos, o que gostariamos de ser ou fazer, estamos adormecendo nossos objetivos secretos, as ambições, os ideais mais intimos.Está sempre em busca da sabedoria, do conhecimento e da perfeição. Muito intuitivo,
inspirador e retraído. Sonha em usar a mente, ser intelectual, científico, filósofo ou místico. Por não conseguir isolar-se sem sentir solidão sente-se constantemente melancólico e tem tendência a depressão. Faz sempre bom julgamento e possui um forte senso de valor. Não sente-se bem em locais agitados, nem gosta de trabalhos servis e de confusão.

aldo Significado - Numerologia - Anseios da Alma 7
ANIMA - O QUE MOVE VOCÊ? A vibração da ANIMA mostra a impressão que você transmite às pessoas e os efeitos que lhes causam. Deve ser considerado um dos número mais importantes na sua vida. Conhecendo-o poderá entender o planejamento da sua vida. Compreendendo este plano e buscando viver de acordo com seu significado trará mais sentido à sua vida, e a fará mais útil e feliz. Ter consciência dessa vibração ajuda a reconhecer o porquê de suas aversões e gostos. Não desperdiçará um dia sequer de sua vida, e jamais a sentirá inutil ou sedentária na velhice se viver de acordo
com as vibrações deste número.
7 - Sempre em busca do conhecimento, da sabedoria e da perfeição.
Intuitivo, inspirador e retraído. Deseja usar a mente, e ter atividades intelectuais, científicas, algo como um filósofo ou místico, mas não consegue isola-se sem sentir solidão, que o leva à melancolia e depressão. Tem um forte senso de justiça e sabe dar valor às coisas. Evita lugares barulhentos, não gosta de trabalhos servis e de confusão.

Significado e origem do Nome Aldo - Arcanos do Tarot

Arcano 1 - O Mago
SIMBOLOGIA O arcano do Mago, traz em si muitos aspectos masculinos, fala da comunhão entre consciente e inconsciente, representa também o conhecimento esotérico, ensina que as coisas vem do alto para criar tudo o que há sobre a terra.
Aponta o talento e a concretização dos esforços criativos. É um guia interior que percebe a vida como um jogo da sorte. Sua simbologia também indica os desbloqueios da sexualidade.
ASPECTOS POSITIVOS Sabe aproveitar as oportunidades da vida; não perde a noção de realidade, ao mesmo tempo em que sabe ter como meta o infinito; e recomenda que usemos armas que estão ao nosso alcance, principalmente a originalidade, criatividade e habilidade em qualquer tarefa. Aponta para as possibilidades de sucesso, a versatilidade, o esforço incansável e a capacidade de influenciar pessoas. Força de vontade é o que não lhe falta para conquistar seus objetivos, sempre com caminhos novos pela frente.
Para saber que rumo seguir, utilize a intuição e auto confiança.

Indecisão, falta de habilidade, desânimo, dissimulação, descontrole emocional, pobreza de espírito, covardia, charlatanice, fraude, trapaça, falsidade, desequilíbrio, são as tendências contrárias às caracteristicas positivas
deste arcano.

Facilidade de combinar as coisas, apropriação inteligente dos elementos e dos temas que se apresentam ao espírito.
EMOCIONAL: Psicologia materialista; tende para a busca das sensações, do vigor, da qualidade criativa. Generosidade unida a cortesia.
Fecundidade em todos os sentidos.
FÍSICO: Muita vitalidade e poder sobre as enfermidades de ordem mental ou nervosa, neuroses e obsessões. Esta Carta indica uma tendência favorável para questões de saúde, mas não assegura a cura. Para conhecer o diagnóstico é necessário considerar outras cartas.

Observe que a principal mensagem deste arcano é a relação entre o esforço pessoal e
a realidade espiritual. Domínio, poder e auto-realização, fala da capacidade de conquista e do impulso criador.
Pela criatividade e bom uso daquilo que já possui, conquistará o seu desejo ou achará a solução que procura.
"Seja em tuas obras, como és em teus pensamentos..."

Esse arcano influencia positivamente 70% de sua vida.

Arcano 5 - O Papa
arcano do Papa representa penetração de Deus nos três mundos possíveis, o divino, o
intelectual e o físico. Fala das virtudes que vencem os sete pecados capitais. Indica sabedoria e o sinal de obediêcia à ela. Mestre da ciência e dos mistérios sagrados, aquele que representa as inspirações do espírito e da consciência, a fertilização do espírito, o uso e o abuso do conhecimento esotérico ou ocultista.

É o grande pai da espiritualidade, que indica poder espiritual, autoridade, novos aprendizados, justiça, inteligência analítica, equilíbrio, dever moral, compaixão, bondade, consciência, um grande conselheiro e generosidade, é também a corporificação da autoridade e da lei. Cultua sua autoridade natural e preserva seu senso de justiça.

No lado negativo pode vir a demonstrar vulnerabilidade, fragilidade, irracionalidade, moralismo estreito, superstição, conselheiro incompetente e ressentimento. Mostra
também a dificuldade em se adaptar as novas circunstâncias ou a situações de mudança. Sem uso da razão não consegue dissipar as incertezas e as instabilidades que sempre rodeiam a vida.

MENTAL: O Pontífice representa a forma ativa da inteligência humana, que traz principalmente as soluções lógicas.

EMOCIONAL: Sentimentos poderosos, afetos sólidos, solicitude, sem cair em sentimentalismos. O Pontífice indica os sentimentos normais, tal como devem ser manifestados na vida, de acordo com as circunstâncias.

FÍSICO: Equilíbrio, segurança na situação e na saúde. Segredo revelado. Vocação religiosa ou cientifica.

PALAVRAS SÁBIAS Perceba que este é o arcano do ato da bênção, da iniciação, do ensino. Emprego da Lei, e do dever. Fala de moral e consciência.
Aponta para a busca de sentido, e para a chegada da hora da verdade, sugere confiança na indicação do caminho da salvação.
Muitas vezes, para podermos tomar uma boa decisão, para agirmos na direção certa, devemos ouvir alguém que tenha mais experiência. Assim. depois estaremos prontos para efetuar o nosso próprio julgamento.
"De ouvido te havia escutado, mas agora meus olhos te vêem e o meu coração te sente..."

INFLUENCIA NA SUA VIDA Esse arcano influencia positivamente 70% da sua vida.

Arcano 7 - O Carro
SIMBOLOGIA O arcano do carro fala do domínio do homem sobre os quatro elementos vitais: terra, ar, água e fogo. O carro indica o ser humano em equilibrio e bem sucedido, que foi capaz de decidir corretamente. É a promessa de realização e sucesso em todos os sentidos. Representa a submissão dos elementos da natureza e da matéria
ao talento e a inteligência do homem. Este arcano é uma mensagem indiscutível de sucesso, aponta para viagem e novos rumos.

ASPECTOS POSITIVOS É demonstração da capacidade humana de através da mente controlar o corpo (carro) num rumo certo e definido, apesar das emoções. Representa o equilíbrio, segurança, amparo material e moral, domínio, realização, sucesso, discernimento e triunfo, preocupação e interesse pelo futuro e pelos mistérios da vida.

ASPECTOS NEGATIVOS O carro mostra que é necessário tomar as rédeas e controlar as forças psíquicas para conduzir a vida ao caminho que nós escolhemos, não tomar estas rédeas nos empurra para a raqueza, egocentrismo, descontrole, irreflexão, orgulho, brutalidade, fracasso, desengano e doenças.

MENTAL: As coisas se realizam, mas falta ainda montar as peças de conjunto.
EMOCIONAL: Afeto manifestado; protetor, serviçal.
FÍSICO: Grande atividade, rapidez nas ações. Boa saúde, força, atividade intensa. Do ponto de vista do dinheiro: gastos ou ganhos, movimento de fundos.
PALAVRAS SÁBIAS POdemos interpretar esta arcano como a mensagem de conciliação dos antagonismos, condução de forças divergentes. Progresso, mobilidade, e anuncio de viagens. Significa também notícia inesperada e conquista.
O tato, a educação, a diplomacia e a firmeza de propósitos são importantes ferramentas para se controlar as forças conflitantes.
"Quando a ciência entrar em teu coração e a sabedoria for doce em tua alma, pede e te será dado..."
INFLUENCIA NA SUA VIDA Esse arcano influencia positivamente 70% da sua vida.

Arcano 7 - O Carro
SIMBOLOGIA O arcano do carro fala do domínio do homem sobre os quatro elementos vitais: terra, ar, água e fogo. O carro indica o ser humano em equilibrio e bem sucedido, que foi capaz de decidir corretamente. É a promessa de realização e
sucesso em todos os sentidos. Representa a submissão dos elementos da natureza e da matéria ao talento e a inteligência do homem. Este arcano é uma mensagem indiscutível de sucesso, aponta para viagem e novos rumos.

ASPECTOS POSITIVOS É demonstração da capacidade humana de através da mente controlar o corpo (carro) num rumo certo e definido, apesar das emoções. Representa o equilíbrio, segurança, amparo material e moral, domínio, realização, sucesso, discernimento e triunfo, preocupação e interesse pelo futuro e pelos mistérios da vida.

ASPECTOS NEGATIVOS O carro mostra que é necessário tomar as rédeas e controlar as forças psíquicas para conduzir a vida ao caminho que nós escolhemos, não tomar estas rédeas nos empurra para a raqueza, egocentrismo, descontrole, irreflexão, orgulho, brutalidade, fracasso, desengano e doenças.

MENTAL: As coisas se realizam, mas falta ainda montar as peças de conjunto.
EMOCIONAL: Afeto manifestado; protetor, serviçal.
FÍSICO: Grande atividade, rapidez nas ações. Boa saúde, força, atividade intensa. Do ponto de vista do dinheiro: gastos ou ganhos, movimento de fundos.
PALAVRAS SÁBIAS POdemos interpretar esta arcano como a mensagem de conciliação dos antagonismos, condução de forças divergentes. Progresso, mobilidade, e anuncio de viagens. Significa também notícia inesperada e conquista.O tato, a educação, a diplomacia e a firmeza de propósitos são importantes ferramentas para se controlar as forças conflitantes.
"Quando a ciência entrar em teu coração e a sabedoria for doce em tua alma, pede e te será dado..."

INFLUENCIA NA SUA VIDA Esse arcano influencia positivamente 70% da sua vida."


Nombre Masculino de origen Germánico.
Del germánico rico en gloria, muy glorioso.
Análisis por numerología del nombre Rodrigo
Naturaleza Emotiva:
Naturaleza diligente, cuidadosa y emotiva. Tiene originalidad, adquiere intelectualidad y recibe autoridad. Ama lo posible y lo imposible. Le gusta sentirse realizado y mejorado.
Naturaleza Expresiva:
Insistente. Se expresa en la independencia de acción y en la originalidad de conceptos. Ama los modales distinguidos, la ropa de calidad, todo lo que tiene valor.
Talento Natural:
Es mente de pensamiento firme. Se expresa como pensador ágil, con capacidad analítica y tendencia a armonizar contrarios. Recibe impulso en las empresas que requieren de tacto, diplomacia.
Amplia comprensión, penetrante adaptación y fusión de lo ancestral y lo actual. Ama complacer y recibir.
Podría destacar en profesiones como estadístico, contable, empleado, diplomático, bibliotecario, músico, político, pintor, escultor o mediador de paz."

“Abreviatura de Rodrigo: Ruy”

“Rodrigo: Príncipe Afamado, Jefe Ilustre”

“San Rodrigo de Silos”

"Significado de Rodrigo
Origen: Germano
Significado: Caudillo famoso
Festividad: 13 de Marzo
Personalidad: Ante las circunstancias más difíciles aúna el coraje y la firmeza para mostrar autoridad.
La higiene y la limpieza acompañan en todo momento sus actuaciones.
Mucho dinamismo en sus relaciones fraternales.
Sus sentimientos se fundamentan en el análisis y el practicismo."

Gender: Masculine
Usage: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian

Pronounced: rod-REE-go (Spanish), rawd-REE-go (Italian) Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of RODERICK.
A notable bearer was Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, also known as El Cid, an 11th-century Spanish military commander."

"Rodrigo is a Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian name derived from the Germanic name Roderick ("famous ruler"). It may refer to:
King Roderic, the last Visigothic king (8th century)
Rodrigo Augusto da Silva (1833-1889), Brazilian senator that cosigned the Golden law (Lei Aurea)
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (c. 1040-1099), known as El Cid Campeador, Iberian warlord (11th century)
Rodrigo González (born 1968), Mexican freestyle swimmer
Rodrigo González (1950-1985), Mexican musician also known as "Rockdrigo" González
Rodrigo Lopez (physician) (c. 1525-1594), physician to Queen Elizabeth (16th century)
Rodrigo de Triana, first European since the Vikings known to have seen America (15th century)
Joaquín Rodrigo, Spanish composer (20th century)
Rodrigo (opera) a 1707 opera by George Frideric Handel
Rodrigo Juliano Lopes de Almeida, Brazilian footballer
Rodrigo José Queiroz Chagas, Brazilian footballer
Rodrigo dos Santos, Brazilian water polo player
Rodrigo, Brazilian footballer, playing for RC Strasbourg
Rodrigo Sánchez, a Mexican musician, and a member of Rodrigo y Gabriela
Rodrigo Bueno, Argentinian singer (1973-2000)

"Rodrigo Name Meaning and History
Spanish and Portuguese: from the personal name Rodrigo, from Germanic Hrodric (a compound of hrod 'renown' + ric 'power(ful)'); it was borne by the last of the Visigoth kings and is one of the most important Spanish personal names of Germanic origin. This surname is also found in some former Portuguese territories of western India.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford ."

Pronunciation: roh-DREE-goh (key)
Origin of the name Rodrigo:
A cognate of Roderick (famous ruler), a name derived from the Middle Latin Rodericus, which is from the Old High German Hrodrich, a compounding of the elements hruod (fame) and rik (ruler)."

"The boy's name Rodrigo \r(o)-dri-go, rod-rigo\ is pronounced roh-DREE-goh. It is of Spanish and Portuguese origin. Variant of Roderick.
Baby names that sound like Rodrigo are Roderigo, Rodrigue, Rodrik, Rodrick and Rodric. Other similar baby names are Federigo, Godric, Godrick, Rorick, Roric, Rodryk, Rodryck, Rodrique, Rodriguez, Rodrigues, Roderik, Roderich, Roderic, Roddrick, Roddric, Rhodric, Rorric and Rorik.
Rodrigo is a common male first name and a common surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census)."

"Your name of Rodrigo has made you versatile and creative.
There is hardly anything you cannot do if you put your mind to it, but a driving urge leads you to one experience after another, seldom finishing what you start.
You cannot find peace of mind or lasting contentment in anything you do.
As soon as a challenge is met, boredom sets in, and you yearn for another experience.
This restlessness makes it difficult for you to assume responsibility and to establish stable, progressive conditions in your life.
Although the name Rodrigo creates the urge to be self-expressive and generous, we emphasize that it causes restless intensity that defies relaxation.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and solar plexus."

“Apellido Patronímico derivado del nombre propio Sancho. Muy difundido en España y América.
Escudo de armas: En campo de Gules, un castillo de plata de sable, superado por una estrella del mismo material. Partido de Sinople un brazo armado que lleva en la mano una cinta de plata con la leyenda de: Ave María Gratia Plena.
Noble familia originaria de la reconquista. Se dice que el padre de este linaje fue Don Rodrigo Sánchez”.

“Linaje de la Villa de Tovar, Villa del partido Oficial de Burgos.
Se dice que Fernando III otorgó a un descendiente de Laín Calvo, Sancho Fernández, la Villa de Tovar en recompensa a servicios del primero.
Don Sancho a su vez , antepuso el nombre de la Villa al suyo, convirtiéndose en Don Sancho Tovar de Fernández , y sus descendientes heredando el nombre, posteriormente éste tronco ramificaría en los Marqueses de Verlanga.
Escudo de armas: En un campo de Azur, banda de oro con dos dragantes ó cabezas de sierpe en los extremos.”


March 13 is the 72nd day of the year (73rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 293 days remaining until the end of the year.

1138 - Cardinal Gregorio Conti is elected Antipope as Victor IV, succeeding Anacletus II.
1639 - Harvard College is named for clergyman John Harvard.
1781 - William Herschel discovers Uranus.
1809 - Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden is disposed in a coup d'état.
1845 - Felix Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto receives its première performance in Leipzig with Ferdinand David as soloist.
1862 - American Civil War: The U.S. federal government forbids all Union army officers from returning fugitive slaves, thus effectively annulling the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 and setting the stage for the Emancipation Proclamation.
1865 - American Civil War: The Confederate States of America agree to the use of African American troops.
1881 - Alexander II of Russia is killed near his palace when a bomb is thrown at him. (Gregorian date: it was March 1 in the Julian calendar then in use in Russia.)
1884 - The siege of Khartoum, Sudan begins, ending on January 26, 1885.
1897 - San Diego State University is founded.
1900 - Second Boer War: British forces occupy Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
1900 - In France the length of the workday for women and children is limited by law to 11 hours.
1920 - The Kapp Putsch briefly ousts the Weimar Republic government from Berlin.
1921 - Mongolia, under Baron Roman Ungern von Sternberg, declares its independence from China.
1925 - Scopes Trial: A law in Tennessee prohibits the teaching of evolution.
1930 - The news of the discovery of Pluto is telegraphed to the Harvard College Observatory.
1933 - Great Depression: Banks in the U.S. begin to re-open after President Franklin D. Roosevelt mandates a "bank holiday".
1938 - World News Roundup is broadcast for the first time on CBS Radio in the United States.
1938 - Anschluss of Austria to the Third Reich.
1940 - The Russo-Finnish Winter War ends.
1943 - World War II: In Bougainville, Japanese troops end their assault on American forces at Hill 700.
1943 - The Holocaust: German forces liquidate the Jewish ghetto in Kraków.
1954 - Battle of Ði?n Biên Ph?: Viet Minh forces attack the French.
1957 - Cuban student revolutionaries storm the presidential palace in Havana in a failed attempt on the life of President Fulgencio Batista.
1962 - Lyman Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivers a proposal, called Operation Northwoods, regarding performing terrorist attacks upon Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, to Secretary of Defense Robert Mcnamara. The proposal is scrapped and President John F. Kennedy removes Lemnitzer from his position.
1969 - Apollo program: Apollo 9 returns safely to Earth after testing the Lunar Module.
1979 - The New Jewel Movement, headed by Maurice Bishop, ousts Prime Minister Eric Gairy in a nearly bloodless coup d'etat in Grenada.
1986 - Microsoft has its initial public offering.
1989 - A geomagnetic storm causes the collapse of the Hydro-Québec power grid. Six million people were left without power for nine hours.
1991 - The United States Department of Justice announces that Exxon has agreed to pay $1 billion for the clean-up of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.
1992 - An earthquake registering 6.8 on the Richter scale kills over 500 in Erzincan, eastern Turkey.
1996 - Dunblane massacre: in Dunblane, Scotland, 16 children and 1 teacher are shot dead by a spree killer who then commits suicide.
1997 - India's Missionaries of Charity chooses Sister Nirmala to succeed Mother Teresa as its leader.
1997 - The Phoenix lights were seen over Phoenix, Arizona by hundreds of people, and by millions on television.
2003 - Human evolution: The journal Nature reports that 350,000-year-old footprints of an upright-walking human have been found in Italy.
2005 - Terry Ratzmann shoots and kills six members of the Living Church of God and the minister at Sheraton Inn in Brookfield, Wisconsin before killing himself.
2008 - Gold prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange hit $1,000 per ounce for the first time.

"Mexico this month - March
by Tony Burton

During the month of March

1, 1521 Cuauhtemoc, the last Aztec emperor, is crowned, without fanfare. Tradition dictates that he has to marry and he does so, with his cousin Teucipoh.

1, 1845 The U.S. Congress approves the annexation of Texas and chooses the Rio Bravo as its southern limit.

2, 1897 Guillermo Prieto (born Mexico City February 10, 1818,) dies in Mexico City. Prieto was an illustrious writer, historian and politician who saved the life of Benito Juárez on March 14, 1858, when he faced the rebels and cried, "Halt! Brave people don't carry out assassinations".

3, 1528 Diego de Mazariegos founds the first Spanish settlement in the Chiapas region, calling it Chiapa de los Indios.

4, 1929 A new political party, the National Revolutionary Party (Partido Nacional
Revolucionario), is founded, with the support of President Elias Calles who wants to attract all the revolutionary forces. The party later changes its name to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI) and remains in power until the year 2000.

5, 1812 The formal beginning of the Siege of Cuautla during which Royalist forces, commanded by Calleja y Llano, surround the city of Cuautla, defended by Morelos. The siege lasts 58 days until it is finally broken on May 2.

6, 1877 The National Astronomical Observatory is founded by Mariano Barcena and equipped with the most modern equipment available. The previous "observatory" had been located on a balcony of the National Palace.

6, 1946 Antonio Caso (born December 19, 1885) dies in Mexico City. Caso was an illustrious lawyer, philosopher and academic, who became the first Secretary, and later Rector, of the National University.

7, 1836 In the war against Texas, General Santa Anna takes the fort of El Alamo in San Antonio and orders all survivors shot.

9, 1916 Francisco Villa makes a surprise attack at dawn on Columbus, New Mexico. Villa's foolhardy incursion results in retaliation on March 14 when General John Pershing enters Mexico with a "Punitive Expedition" to hunt for Villa.
Pershing's expedition remains in Mexico until February 6, 1917. Expedition members include Dwight D. Eisenhower.

10, 1911 Emiliano Zapata begins a rebellion in the state of Morelos to protest the fact that large landowners are dispossessing peasant farmers (campesinos) of their land.

11, 1850 U.S. Captain Love makes the first expedition along the length of the Rio Bravo.

11, 1916 Venustiano Carranza arrives in Mexico City, where he establishes a provisional government, with himself at its head.

12, 1697 The populace revolts in Mexico City in response to an excessive rise in the price of basic grains.

12, 1911 Gustavo Díaz Ordaz is born in San Andrés Chalchicomula, (now known as Ciudad Serdán) in Puebla. A lawyer and politician, he serves a term as President from 1964 to 1970.

13, 1325 The date on which Tenochtitlan is believed to have been founded by a wandering group of Méxica Indians, who had set out from Aztlán about 150 years previously. They had been looking for an eagle perched on a prickly pear (nopal) cactus. The city became the Aztec capital, center of an extensive Empire, and was later transformed into Mexico City.

13, 1847 The U.S. Squadron takes control of the port of Veracruz, after which General Winfield Scott demands that the local authorities surrender the port. They refuse and a naval bombardment begins.

14, 1565 The first Bishop of Michoacán, Vasco de Quiroga, dies in Uruapan, Michoacán. Born in Spain on February 3, 1470, Vasco de Quiroga was appointed Bishop shortly after his arrival in New Spain. He was a great supporter of Indian rights and founded numerous hospitals, schools and orphanages as well as organizing the production of crafts in the numerous villages around Lake Pátzcuaro.

15, 1711 Father Francisco Eusebio Kino dies in Magdalena, Sonora. A tireless evangelist and educator, he led explorations of the virtually unknown areas that are, today, the states of Sinaloa, Sonora and Arizona, founding numerous missions as he went.

15, 1861 The government of President Benito Juárez decrees the use of the metric system throughout Mexico, as of January 1, 1862. Decimal coinage is minted for the first time. Another President (Comonfort) had already forced engineers to use the metric system, four years previously. Later governments do not insist on decimalization and further decrees are issued in 1882 by President Manuel González and 1896 by President Porfirio Díaz.

16, 1586 King Philip II of Spain, orders the missionaries of New Spain to educate the Indians not out of charity but out of a sense of justice and obligation.

17, 1900 President Porfirio Díaz inaugurates the Valley of Mexico drainage project by opening the sluice gates in La Merced-Balbuena. The drainage scheme had been initiated four centuries earlier.

17, 1917 Mexico declares its neutrality in the First World War.

18, 1541 The city of Valladolid (which was later renamed Morelia) was founded by the Viceroy, Antonio de Mendoza, in the Guayangareo valley in Michoacan. The city quickly became the state capital.

18, 1938 The nationalization (or expropriation, depending on your point of view) of the oil industry in Mexico by President Lázaro Cárdenas. The move came in response to salary discrimination and the refusal of foreign companies to pay higher taxes. The first Director of the nationalized industry was the engineer Victor Cortés Herrera.

20, 1779 The Viceroy Antonio María Bucareli inaugurates the Chapultepec-Salto del Agua aqueduct, on which work had begun in 1711. Some parts of the aqueduct can still be seen in Mexico City today.

21, 1806 Benito Juárez García is born in the village of San Pablo Guelatao, in the state of Oaxaca. Juárez becomes a distinguished and patriotic President of Mexico, loyal to the rights of all peoples and all nations, and dedicated to the pursuit of national justice and sovereignty.

21, 1916 Juan García Jiménez is born in Ometepec, Guerrero. He becomes well known as a poet and teacher of literature in the National Teachers' School in Mexico City. His death comes on April 1, 1967.

22, 1803 The corvette "Pizarro" docks in Acapulco after a voyage from Peru and Ecuador. Aboard are two people who will transform the course of science in Mexico: the German explorer and geographer Baron Alexander von Humboldt and the French doctor-turned-botanist Aimé Bonpland.

22, 1884 The Central Mexican Railroad (Ferrocarril Central Mexicano) is inaugurated, providing service between Mexico City and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

22, 1923 Alberto Beltrán is born in Mexico City. He wins renown as an excellent draftsman, engraver and designer.

23, 1849 The death, in Mexico City of scientist Andrés del Río (born November 10, 1765, in Spain). On his arrival in Mexico in 1793, he had taken a post as Chemistry professor in the Mining School. In 1800 he discovered the element vanadium.
Honored by several foreign scientific societies, he took Mexican citizenship in the 1820s.

25, 1868 The government of the state of Jalisco, influenced by public education in Mexico City, passes an Education Law that omits religious education and requires the teaching of civics and of a compendium of national history and geography.

25, 1912 Emilio Campa, a member of Pascual Orozco's troops, attacks the federal troops of Madero in Rellano, Chihuahua, by sending a dynamite-laden train into them. Many are killed and Madero's forces beat a retreat towards Torreón, Coahuila.

26, 1814 The port of San José de Guaymas (now Guaymas, Sonora) is opened for domestic traffic. In February 1822, its role is expanded to include international shipping.

26, 1944 The Revolutionary general and engineer, Wilfrido Massieu dies in Mexico City, where he had been born December 27, 1879. Massieu was director of the Industrial School in San Luis Potosí. He promoted and founded the Industrial Institute.
Concerned about the slow development of technology in the country, he later fought for the founding (in 1937) of the National Polytechnic Institute, becoming the Institute's first Director.

27, 1853 General Antonio López de Santa Anna is declared President for the eleventh time. He assumes office on April 20 and remains in power until August 12, 1855.

28, 1847 After six days, the U.S. forces end their bombardment of the port of Veracruz. Despite valiant resistance, the port is forced to surrender. Its inhabitants' heroic efforts result in the city being adjudged "Heroico" for the second occasion.

28, 1944 Foundation of the National Newspaper and Periodical Library. It is originally housed in the San Pedro y San Pablo church, before moving in 1979 to its present location in the National University.

29, 1732 Circular coins, with the Royal coat of arms and fleur-de-lis around the edge, are minted for the first time in Mexico.

29, 1982 The El Chichón volcano in Chiapas erupts, with no prior warning. Further violent eruptions occur on April 3 and April 7. About 10,000 people are killed and 170,000 made homeless.

30, 1954 Agustín Aragón y León, a distinguished engineer, philosopher and politician (born August 28, 1870 in Jonacatepec, Morelos, dies in Mexico City. Aragón y León occupied several important posts in the government of Porfirio Díaz, but then joined the Anti-Reelection Party. He wrote several works of philosophy, engineering and literature and was President of the National Science Academy.

31, 1926 General Ángel Flores (born October 3, 1833) dies in Culiacán, Sinaloa. With the support of the Right, he had aspired to the Presidency during the Revolution.

31, 1969A gas explosion in a coal mine in Barroterán, Coahuila, kills 155 miners."


Talented yet erratic, a Pisces born on March 13 has a reputation for being high-strung. Although generous, they may have trouble accommodating the views and needs of others. They have their way of doing things and refuse to be roped into the conventional approach. They are intelligent individuals who seldom question their own judgment.
Pisces Information for March 13
You should embrace: Popularity, justice, normalcy
You should avoid: Resentments, mistrust, meddling
Friends and Lovers
Though they generally have a large circle of friends, March 13 people respect the emotional boundaries of others and demand that their friends give them the same. They even manage to keep some emotional distance from a lover or mate.
Children and Family
While people born on this date may have happy memories of their upbringing, they are unlikely to subscribe to a religious code they were taught.
They understand the need to provide knowledge to their youngsters but always stress that parents aren't perfect.
March 13 people have little interest in conventional exercise, preferring to lead an active lifestyle. These people love to take long walks, and they enjoy sports.
March 13 people may embrace a fad diet or two during their lifetime but generally prefer to eat what they like.
Career and Finances
It takes a lot to keep March 13 people involved and interested. They need to be emotionally engaged in their work. They have a sense of adventure and are not afraid to strike out in a different direction. Although their financial situation is often in flux, they always seem able to ride out the lean times.
Dreams and Goals
March 13 men and women are not as committed to achieving goals as they are to achieving goals their own way. They have a strong sense of self and will not allow themselves to be managed. They never concern themselves with the reasons they cannot succeed at a goal, only why they can.

"Signs: Pisces

"we serve"
February 19 - March 20

3rd Water sign - 4th Mutable sign - Feminine
In analogy with Neptune her ruler with Jupiter, and the 12th House

Pisces governs the feet and the blood circulation. Her colour is green or purple or turquoise blue, her stone is the amethyst, her day is Thursday, her professions are seamanship and and faraway travels, musician, social and emergency worker,
doctor, writer and jobs in remote places...

If your sign is Pisces or your Ascendant is Pisces:
You are emotional, sensitive, dedicated, adaptable, nice, wild, compassionate, romantic,
imaginative, flexible, opportunist, intuitive, impossible to categorized, irrational, seductive, placid, secretive, introverted, pleasant, artistic, and charming. But you may also be indecisive, moody, confused, wavering, lazy, scatterbrained, vulnerable, unpredictable and gullible.

Some traditional associations with Pisces:
Countries: Portugal, Scandinavia, small Mediterranean islands, Gobi desert, Sahara.
Cities: Jerusalem, Warsaw, Alexandria, Seville, Santiago de Compostela.
Animals: fishes, aquatic mammals and all animals living in the water.
Food: melons, cucumbers, lettuces, vegemite sugar, pumpkins.
Herbs and aromatics: lemon, chicory, limes, mosses.
Flowers and plants: water lilies, willows, aquatic plants. Trees: fig-trees,
willows, aquatic trees.
Stones, Metals and Salts: heliotropes, moonstone, platinum, tin, iron phosphate and potassium sulphate"

"House VI 14°28' PiscesHouse VI The Sixth House is the sphere of apprenticeship and effort in the work environment, daily life, health on a daily basis and not operations or long-term diseases, relationships with co-workers or subordinates, desire for improvement, analysis and detail. It is in analogy with Virgo and Mercury. It is a cadent house, less important than the angular and succedent ones."


"Nombre: SAN ROLDAN Nombre en: MASCULINO
Fecha onomástica de este santo : 27 de agosto
Explicación del nombre ROLDAN. ? Qúe significa ROLDAN ? :
Germánico. Significa "Nación con gloria".
También válido Rolando.
Este santo celebra su onomástica el 27 de agosto"

"The boy's name Roldan \r(o)-ldan, rol-dan\ is a variant of Roland (Old German), and the meaning of Roldan is "renowned land".
Similar baby names are Rollan and Roydan.
Roldan is a very rare male first name and a very popular surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
"As Roldan you have a great love of nature and the out-of-doors, and could have a desire to be in an occupation which takes you outdoors and involves you with the products of the earth.All the finer things of life and beauties of nature are an inspiration to you and you are attracted to the mysteries of nature.
Difficulty in expression results in your being too positive, blunt, and candid in speech.
Although you are easily offended by others, you do not show it.
You crave affection and understanding, but rarely find it as others do not understand you and accuse you of being cool and aloof.
Although the name Roldan creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the lungs, heart, bronchial area, and tension or accidents to the head."

"Escudo de Armas del Apellido Roldán
Escudo de azur sembrado de flores de lis de oro. Bordura de oro con cinco águilas de sable. Otros traen: En campo de oro cinco águilas de sable puestas en cruz cantonadas de cuatro bocinas de sinople. También: En campo de sable una bocina de plata. Bordura de azur con catorce estrellas de plata."

"The boy's name Marcel \m(a)-rcel, mar-cel\ is pronounced mar-SELL. It is of French origin. Variant of Marcellus (Latin) "little warrior", from Marcus. The source of these names is Mars, the Roman god of war. Marcelo (mar-SAY-loh) is a Spanish form, Marceau (mar-SOH) is French.
Marcelino and Marciano are Italian forms. French mime, Marcel Marceau, combined two variants of this name.
Author Marcel Proust;
football player Marcellus Wiley.
Marcel has 10 variant forms: Marceau, Marcelin, Marcellin, Marcellino, Marcell, Marcello, Marcellus, Marcelo, Marcely and Marciano.
For more information, see also related names Mark and Marvin.
Baby names that sound like Marcel are Marzell, Miroslav and Miroslaw.
Marcel is a common male first name and a popular surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
“Marcelino: El derivado de Marte. San Marcelo fué un Centurión Romano martirizado por su fe en Jesús”

"Signs: Scorpio
"we have"
October 23 - November 21
2nd Water sign - 3rd Fixed sign - Feminine
In analogy with Pluto, her ruler with Mars, and the 8th House Scorpio governs the sexual organs and the anus.Her colour is black or dark red, her stone is the malachite, her day is Tuesday, her professions are gynaecologist, psychiatrist, detective, the military, army, stockbroker, asset managemer...
If your sign is Scorpio or your Ascendant is Scorpio: you are secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centred, complex, jealous.
Some traditional associations with Scorpio:
Countries: Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria, Korea, Uruguay, Transvaal. Cities: Washington, New Orleans, Valencia, Liverpool, Milwaukee, Fes, Halifax, Hull, Cincinnati.
Animals: insects and other invertebrates.
Food: the same strong tasting food as for Aries: red meat, garlic, onions, leeks, spices. Herbs and aromatics: aloes, witch hazels, nepeta, mustard, capers, peppers.
Flowers and plants: geraniums, rhododendrons, thistles, mint, honeysuckles.
Trees: blackthorns, bushes.
Stones, Metals and Salts: opals, steel and iron, calcium and sodium sulphate."


"CORAL en mandarín se pronuncia UNMEI que de acuerdo a la manera de leerse puede significar :
Destino (Destiny) ó Sino (Fate)."
Coral: onomástico el 14 de Mayo.
Personajes : Coral Astrid Bistuer, deportista, campeona de Tae Kwon Do, la Vírgen del Coral, una vírgen medieval.
Coral: derivada de Corallium. Nombre de origen real semítico y transformado por la lengua Griega.
Coral: Significado: La inocente Muchacha, La pura por su belleza. Festividad el 8 de Septiembre por Nuestra Señora del Coral.

"The girl's name Coral \c(o)-ral\ is pronounced KOR-ul. It is of Latin origin. Late 19th-century coinage. Nature name: a semiprecious natural sea growth, often deep pink to red in color. Actress Coral Browne.
Coral has 13 variant forms: Coralee, Coralena, Coralie, Coraline, Corallina, Coralline, Coraly, Coralyn, Coralyne, Koral, Korall, Koralie and Koralline.
Baby names that sound like Coral are Carol, Caryl, Carel, Coralia and Corly."
"The name of Coral creates a very quiet, practical nature and a clever and inventive mind. Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life. Your methodical nature requires that you like to finish what you start without interruptions and also to have everything in its place and properly organized.
An ability to concentrate could take you into computer programming or accountancy or any work requiring concentration and attention to detail.
You have, also, a flair for creative expression with your hands.
You take life seriously and can be easily and deeply hurt and go into moods which can be quite extreme at times, causing much turmoil and unhappiness.
Although the name Coral creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and elimination system."


"The girl's name Deyanira \de-yanira, deya-ni-ra\ is of Spanish and Greek origin, and its meaning is "devastating, capable of great destruction".
Greco-Roman mythology: the wife of Hercules, who managed to kill him by trickery.
Deyanira has 7 variant forms: Daianira, Dayanira, Deianira, Dellanira, Diyanira, Neera and Nira.
For more information, see also the related name Deja.
Baby names that sound like Deyanira are Danira and Dinora.
Deyanira is a very rare female first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census)."

"The name of Deyanira has given you sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and deeper things in life. You can enjoy reading, study, and contemplation about many different subjects. When your interests or curiosity are aroused, you work intensely at new undertakings, but your interests often wane when you encounter drudgery and monotony, with the result that you leave many things unfinished.
Your name has taken you into many bitter experiences.
The greatest lack in your life is stability and peace of mind.
A peaceful and quiet environment, especially out in nature, is one of your greatest desires, but you are constantly taken into chaotic conditions. Although the name Deyanira creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and solar plexus."

"Signs: Gemini
"I think"
May 21 - June 21
1st Air sign - 1st Mutable sign - Masculine
In analogy with Mercury, his ruler, and the 3rd House Gemini governs the arms, the lungs and the thorax.

His colour is green or silver, his stone is the crystal, his day is Wednesday, his professions are journalist, lawyer, presenter, dancer, salesman, travel agent, teacher...
If your sign is Gemini or if your Ascendant is Gemini: you are expressive, lively, adaptable, quick-witted, humorous, sparkling, playful, sociable, clever, curious, whimsical, independent, polyvalent, brainy, flexible, ingenious, imaginative, charming, fanciful but also capricious, scattered, moody, shallow, inquisitive, opportunistic, unconcerned, selfish, fragile, ironical or changeable.
Some traditional associations with Gemini:
Countries: Belgium, Wales, United-States, Lower Egypt, Sardinia, Armenia. Cities: London, Plymouth, Cardiff, Melbourne, San Francisco, Nuremberg, Bruges, Versailles. Animals: monkeys, butterflies, parrots, budgerigars.
Food: dried fruits, chestnuts, ground-level vegetables: peas, broad beans, etc.
Herbs and aromatics: aniseed, marjoram, lemon balm, cumin.
Flowers and plants: lilies of the valley, lavenders, myrtle, ferns, Venus-hair-ferns, bittersweets.
Trees: nut trees such as chestnut trees. Stones,
Metals and Salts: agates, mercury, silicas and potashes."


"The boy's name Jareth \j(a)-re-th\ is pronounced JARE-eth. It is of American origin. Blend of Jar- or Jer- and Gareth, or a variant of Jarah.
Jareth has 2 variant forms: Jarreth and Jereth.
Baby names that sound like Jareth are Jarett, Jarrett, Jarret, Jared and Jerett.
Jareth is a very rare male first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).

"Your name Jareth gives you a strong sense of responsibility in business and material affairs, and the practicality and determination to make a success of anything you undertake. Your ability to organize and direct the efforts of others enables you to excel in any managerial position because you have the ability to grasp the concept of a goal complete with an understanding of the steps to be taken.
This name has allowed you to develop depth and breadth of mind.
You are able to retain facts, to grasp new information to your existing store of knowledge.
Although the name Jareth creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it can cause an unscrupulous, materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the reproductive system, worry, and mental tension."

Como ya es mi costumbre, he querido dejar en mis blogs una pista, una traza de pensamiento para que, pasado el tiempo, el viajero cansado de la estupidez, el viejo amigo, uno de mis hijos, ó quien por casualidad dé con mis textos, encuentre información.

Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez Tovar

Arde mi corazón
Lucha Siempre
Delante del Hierro
Ojos venideros...

Sabrán la Historia.

Il mìo cuore brucia
Sempre lotta
Anteriore del Ferro
Davanti agli cocí…

Conoceré la Storia

Mon coeur brullé
Lute toujurs
L’avant du fer a repasser
Devant nos Yeux...Connaitre ll’ histoire

Aldo Sanchez, aldo rodrigo sanchez tovar, Plastilina, monterrey, modeling clay, enseñanza, el mejor, secretos plastilina, padre de todos, omniscente,

#aldosanchez #plastilina #monterrey #enseñanza #modelingclay #secretosplastilina


ali khan said…
eu son moi grande para ver e ler o seu blog, o seu informativo e útil a esperanza, que vai mantelo e vai compartir información para ler e ver a xente, eu estou indo a compartir i mantelo