Aldo Sánchez Founder of CRONOS Tiempo de Todo!

Aldo Sánchez Founder of CRONOS Tiempo de Todo!

Despite having made modeling clay figures for over three decades, and teaching these abilities for twenty years, an arthritis codition began four years ago to diminish my work, together with the revenge of several people from the government ignorant and corrupt that had rejected my proposal years ago of creating workshops for children and teenagers in order to improve their talent and get them away from drugs, alcohol and vagrancy, they could not stop the raging reaction that my work and my friends made on the late nineties.
This got me depressed for a while and as I have foreseen it, my State became what these people worked it to constuct, violent towns submerged on violence with ever present alcohol and drugs.
This revenge was unfair and overwhelming.
And maybe they could have succeded if my proposal were to be weak and empty, but it was instead bigger than their low motivations, even bigger than my own phisical limitations.
With a desperate hearth condition, my son Roldan deserves a father stronger over fatigue and weakness, instead of giving him the proper medical assistance having an honest work giving lessons of my talent in order to develop better men to my State, because of this rotten scoundrels, I have to work as a "trained chimp" at a call center to keep the medical surveillance of my kid.
But if this is the plan of these low minded people with no ethic, I've never been the kind of people that accept fate with no fight. I've came back to develop sculptures stronger and faster inspirated on the greatness of very talented people from Spain at the Séptima Ars School, the brilliant artist from Venezuela Roger Pereira or the talented Colombian artist Alina Álvarez, among many brilliant people from the United States, Canada and Europe (Unfortunately there is not many people of my own Country who believe in defending my proposal instead of attacking it with lousy redaction) they give me strength, the push to keep on the battle, defending my right to construct a better society by education.
I have never been on the thanks credits of nobody and hope to never be, but personally I wish to thank the thousands of people I've met over 13 years working to keep CRONOS Tiempo de Todo! alive and gave me their support one way or another.

In this video you can see figures that let me go back to my origins as the child that only wanted to overcome his dreams by using modelling clay combined with a major crush on Sci-Fi, horror movies, Natural Science, History, Geography, Magnetism, Optics and Electronic.

This has given me the way to develop an Alien Queen, Spiderman, Superman, Jessica Rabbit, Goku, Lost in Space Robot, Mazzinger, Batman, Wonder Woman, Darth Vader, Storm trooper, V.I.N.cent, Tinker Bell, Bruce Lee, Jack Skellington, Dinosaurs, extraterrestrials and almost three hundred more figures, in less than three months. Each figure is made of epoxy-clay, acrylic paint and details of crystal, metal and LEDS in order to raise them from mere decorations to become art-object pieces. So every figure has functionality, a purpose this has given me the oportunity of coming back to the freshness of my child days.

Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez Tovar
044818 206 31 74
Monterrey Mexico
